How do I import notes from Google Keep?

The following steps will help you quickly import your notes from Google Keep into Notesnook.

Exporting your Google Keep notes

  1. Go to Google Takeout and log into your Google account.
  2. On the Google Takeout page, first deselect all the items by clicking on Deselect all, and then scroll down and select only Keep from the list. Once selected, click on Next Step by scrolling to the very bottom of the page.
  3. On the next section, leave everything as is and just click on the “Create export” button:
  4. Download the exported .zip file once it becomes available:

Importing Google Takeout into Notesnook

Once you have the Google Takeout containing your Google Keep notes, its time to import them into Notesnook.

  1. Go to and select Google Keep from list of apps.
  2. Drop the .zip backup file(s) you exported earlier from Google Takeout in the box or click anywhere to open system file picker to select the backup.
  3. Once the Importer finishes processing your files, download the .zip file.
  4. After you have downloaded the .zip file, go to the Notesnook Web App > Settings > Notesnook Importer. Select the .zip you downloaded earlier and click “Start import” button.
  5. Once importing completes you should see all your notes in Notesnook. If you face any issues during importing, feel free to report them on GitHub.

Supported formats

Notesnook Importer is one of the most robust Google Keep importers around supporting almost 100% of Google Keep formats. Here’s a list of everything that can (or can’t be) imported into Notesnook:

  • Attachments
  • Images
  • Checklists & other lists
  • Links
  • Tags/Labels
  • Pinned status
  • Colors