How do I import notes from Markdown files?

  1. Go to on your PC/Laptop.
  2. From the list of note apps to import from, select “Markdown”.
  3. Drop your .md files, or click anywhere inside the box to browse and select your .md files. You can also provide a .zip file containing all your .md files. Then click “Start processing”.
  4. Once the Importer finishes processing your files, download the .zip file.
  5. After you have downloaded the .zip file, go to the Notesnook Web App > Settings > Notesnook Importer. Select the .zip you downloaded earlier and click “Start import” button.
  6. Once importing completes you should see all your notes in Notesnook. If you face any issues during importing, feel free to report them on GitHub.

Supported formats

  • 100% support for CommonMark syntax
  • GitHub flavored markdown (task lists, tables etc.)
  • Obsidian flavored markdown (embedded files, comments etc.)
  • Subscript and superscript (H~2~O and 19^th^)
  • Highlights (==highlighted==)
  • Images and links (links that point to files get added as attachments)

Note: For best results, it is recommended to ZIP all your .md files and their attachments so they can be found by the importer.